Case Studies

Everyone Together



Published: 16 OCTOBER 2014

Everyone Together is a case study describing a youth club in Ballymagee, Bangor.It values everyone irrespective of their needs and views.  It is a 14+ years youth club and is about engagement, sharing, inclusion and having fun.

Every Thursday night the youth club runs an inclusion project for young people with special needs between the ages of 14 and 25.

After parents requested support for a more age appropriate club for their children, the youth club set up the project.  The main aim of the club is to provide a safe space for young people with special needs and for others to explore what special needs means and understand diversity in their community.

Many staff from Clifton School in Bangor volunteer their services every Thursday night to help at the youth club, where there is a mix of young people with special needs and from mainstream school attend.

In the DVD, parents describe how they feel their children are safe and secure and describe the personal and social development of their children.

Some of the young people describe the benefits of attending the youth club.



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