
Ppt Presentation:to support PDMU/CRED Lessons at Key Stage 2:Lesson 6: ‘Music in different cultures’

Category: PRIMARY


Published: 09 OCTOBER 2014

This Powerpoint presentation supports the PDMU Lesson Plans for Key Stage 2 and specifically Lesson Six:

Introductory Power-point:

Show the pupils the PowerPoint entitled: Musical Instruments from around the world. Let them listen to different pieces of music and see if they can recognise which instrument was being played. Explore with pupils the concept that people from around the world enjoy playing instruments that they may never have heard of. Link this back to Northern Ireland and to the fact that there are some instruments such as the bodhran, tin whistle or recorder that they may not be familiar with. If possible show pupils these instruments and give pupils opportunity to play them.

The remaining lesson plan can be found with the PDMU/CRED lessons.



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